Urban Design

35 West Court Street Office Building

The Harper Corporation

Greenville, South Carolina

Programming, Architecture Design and Interior Design

This project consisted of the renovation of an existing historic building to serve as a multi-tenant office building. The existing 20,000 square foot, four-story facility with a cast-in-place structural frame was modified to add a new 6,000 square foot building core on the blank east wall of the building. The design was completed in a way to maintain the Owner's historic tax credit and to preserve the excellent proportions of the building. This core addition provided a separate entrance for office suites on each level and the appropriate fire stairs, elevator shaft, toilet spaces, and electrical rooms to support the office uses. It was also planned to allow the Owner to double the size of the office space on the east side of the service core in the future.

35 West Court Street Office Building, Greenville, South Carolina