Science / Research

U.S.D.A. Vegetable Laboratory

United States Department of Agriculture

Charleston, South Carolina

Programming, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering

This 2-story, 69,500 square-foot research laboratory was designed to consolidate and update research facilities for the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service and the Clemson University Coastal Research and Education Center currently housed in numerous separated out-of-date structures on the 439-acre farm property.

This initial phase of the program included research laboratories, scientist offices, support spaces, an agricultural engineering shop and approximately 21,000 square feet of head house space. A second phase was planned to include expanded head house facilities and 30,000 square feet of greenhouse. The building consisted of two major wings around a central courtyard connected by open walkways at the ends of each wing. The laboratory and office areas were based upon a 10'-6" x 27'-0" planning module to assure efficient, functional research space.

This project was completed by Kenneth M. Betsch, AIA while a Managing Principal with Odell Associates, Inc.