Smart Growth Plan 2030
City of Clarksville
Clarksville, Tennessee
Strategic Planning, Master Planning and Conceptual Design
The master plan was prepared at the request of the City of Clarksville to address a comprehensive series of planning issues faced by the City and chart the course for future growth across the entire community with the completion of a $1 billion solar panel component plant and the continued growth of the Fort Campbell military installation. The project was completed with BLF Marketing as the leader of the planning process, Wilbur Smith Associates as the transportation planner, and RKG Associates as the market and demographic analysis consultant. BetschAssociates provided master planning, urban design, and visual conceptualization of the community's "future vision."
The planning effort included a market study to establish the absorption of housing, retail space, and office space in the market; a transportation plan for the entire road network; and visioning for the conceptual design of 10 key opportunity zones across the city. The goals of the plan were to promote a diversified and sustainable economy, recommend transportation and infrastructure improvements, preserve the City's history and character, support the missions of Austin Peay State University and Fort Campbell, utilize smart growth principles for future development, and maintain a superior quality of life for the residents.