East Carolina University / City Master Plan
City of Greenville
Greenville, North Carolina
Master Planning and Conceptual Design
This master plan was prepared to provide a coordinated development approach among the City of Greenville, East Carolina University, and private businesses to manage a large projected expansion of the University and to leverage the maximum amount of related private investment in the downtown.
The plan identified the following priorities: connection of the 10th Street corridor to Farmville Boulevard, expansion of the University to the west to Evans Street, development of new schools to revitalize downtown neighborhoods, creation of a waterfront park, development of an entertainment district along Dickinson Avenue, leverage of University housing, and streetscape and gateway improvements in the urban core. Another major priority was the public/private development of a mixed use complex to include a 70 room hotel, conference center, University Alumni Center, and a multi-story office building.
BetschAssociates, Inc. was subsequently hired by the Redevelopment Commission to prepare a revitalization plan for the city to include a feasibility study for the absorption of housing, retail, and office space within the market and development of a conceptual land use plan for the study area.
"I am surprised as how easily Ken has been able to build a consensus of the plan with the many varied interest groups represented. In addition, his excellent renderings of elements of the plan have inspired our community, created a great deal of interest in our projects, and have actually helped us realize a number of our goals."
Robert D. Parrott, Mayor