Corporate / Commercial

Goodwill Store and Job Connection of Easley

Goodwill Industries of the Upstate / Midlands South Carolina

Easley, South Carolina

Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering

This 21,000 square foot, single story retail building was designed to replace an out-of-date facility and provide a refreshed image for the company. The exterior skin used horizontal bands of two-toned split-face concrete masonry units and large expanses of glass in the retail area and Job Connection to provide an appropriate scale and open feeling for this retail facility. Towers were added to the front of the building to define the entrances to the retail area, the Job Connection, and the donation window, as well as provide a location for the large signage panels with the Goodwill logo.

  • Goodwill Store and Job Connection, Easley, South Carolina
  • Goodwill Store and Job Connection, Easley, South Carolina
  • Goodwill Store and Job Connection, Easley, South Carolina
  • Goodwill Store and Job Connection, Easley, South Carolina