Corporate / Commercial

Bonaventure II at Verdae

Verdae Properties

Greenville, South Carolina

Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering

This 100,000 square-foot, five-story, multi-tenant office building was designed as the mirror image to the original office building, also designed by Mr. Betsch. This concrete structure was designed with a similar building massing, saw tooth corners, brick veneer, and ribbon windows of the original building to unify the image of the overall development. This building was planned as an "office of the future" with 2 1/2" raised floor throughout, a movable wall system, and "plug and play" engineering systems to facilitate rapid office renovation, and to respond to "Green Design" principles.

This project was completed by Kenneth M. Betsch, AIA while a Managing Principal with Odell Associates, Inc.

  • Bonaventure II at Verdae, Greenville, South Carolina
  • Bonaventure II at Verdae, Greenville, South Carolina